Monday, August 4, 2008

Homeopathic acne remedies and hormonal inbalance causes acne

However, my clear skin didn't last long. After about a week it came back as bad as ever! I re-read the book to see what I had done wrong. Nothing. But I hadn't noticed that the author says you need to do the 3 day fast once or twice a month to maintain clear skin. This obviously wasn't going to be practical - as sitting around the house eating apples for 6 days a month isn't possible.
One of the best benefits of acnezine is the fact that it is composed of all natural ingredients. This is because there is much demand for all natural acne treatment products as evidenced by their increasing popularity in recent years. Of course, some may wonder why there is such a demand for natural acne treatment products when there are so many 'traditional' products out there that have been on the market for many years. Well, when you look at some of the common problems and side effects associated with standard over the counter and prescription acne products it becomes obvious why many people are interested in an alternative.
Tip 1 Eat Plenty of Vegetables and Fruits It is important that you eat plenty of vegetables and fruits if you want to deal with your acne problem and have skin that looks great. All the vitamins and minerals that are included in vegetables and fruits are important to keeping your skin healthy. Eat salads each day with your meals and start drinking fresh fruit juice or just eating fruit for a healthy snack that will help your skin.
tags: olive oil and acne, oxy acne cream lips, natural remedy for acne

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