Thursday, July 3, 2008

Get rid of acne scars and home remedy to remove acne scar

Tea tree oil is the MOST underrated acne treating remedy in the world. If you compare it to benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil is even more effective. Tea tree oil is also cheap and there is no reason you cannot afford to have it at your disposal. Tea tree oil kills those bacterias that cause the formation of acne and blackheads effectively while being gentle enough on your skin to not cause any irritation. Apply tea tree oil directly on your skin. Massage evenly before you leave it on your face. Use it in the morning and before going to bed.
One home remedy used for removing blackheads fast involves the cylinder of an ink pen. Dismantle your ink pen by removing the ink cartridge. Take the cylinder, which is a good circumference for most black heads. Put the cylinder over the blackhead and gently apply pressure, turning the cylinder around. While this works, it unsanitary, so you will need to make sure that you clean the area well afterward.
This is not an uncommon feeling. In fact, many people, especially teenagers, may feel down about themselves if they have bad acne. Feelings of self-consciousness and awkwardness may stir inside. So, how would you go about helping someone in this situation?
tags: speed cystic acne skin healing, natural acne fighting wash, how to cure acne fast

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