Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne during pregnancy treatment and han for acne care

* Used daily to prevent blackheads and pimples, combine equal amounts of fresh lime juice with groundnut oil and apply to your face. Wash this mixture off after fifteen minutes using lukewarm water.
This is rather a tricky subject as not many people are aware that science has not completely shown whether acne is directly controlled by what you eat or drink. My personal view on this is that if your body is in a toxic state i.e. living on junk food and fizzy sugared drinks which cause the production of certain hormones will surely cause acne. Going on a good medical detox diet will ultimately help get rid of the toxins in your body and significantly reduce the occurrence of acne. Fresh fruit and large helpings of vegetables are most beneficial to the prevention of acne.
It is often added to soaps, shampoos, sunscreens and body lotions but natural Aloe Vera gel can also be used with great results in its unaltered state. Straight AV gel, which is obtained from the lower leaf of the plant, is most useful in soothing dry skin, dermatitis and eczema and is gentle enough to be used on delicate facial skin.
tags: herbs for healing acne scars, acne free neutrogena oil wash, best over the counter acne soap

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